A tryst with time
I hear the soft knock for the umpteenth time
interrupting my chain of thoughts as I grapple to come to terms with bridging
the gaps of present lapses and future projections. The persistent nature of the knock compels me to open the
door ,with a reluctance that is almost palpable.Habit
forces me to extend a warm welcoming smile to my beautiful guests .I acknowledge their strong presence, failing to extricate my tangled mesh of thoughts and
memories from their pervasive invasion.
suave in a perfectly cut tuxedo chaperoning Nostalgia draped in pure soft white
cashmere the soft fabric complementing her shapely curves with the floral scarf
perfectly accessorizing her simple elegance. The faint hint of musk and rose
spread an unmistakable sense of languor as I realize the joy seeping through me as my banal
efforts fail hopelessly to stop me enjoying the repartee with my
cherished guests. I see the treasure of memories
flooding unrestrained from their tight confines draping me with warmth and enchantment
.I watch in wonder the change descend upon my my dull clinical office as it
swathes itself in beautiful hues.
As I
vacillate between the strange quandaries and dilemmas hovering between happiness
and guilt I feel the forceful entry of my eternally unwelcome partner and
constant companion Present invade utopia unannounced. I shrug off the sharp sting of jealousy as I
watch his long and easy strides as he crosses the room .I long to replicate the consummate
ease with which he settles on the soft sofa opposite me. I fail to stop
stammering as I dread facing the smirk bordering on disdain perched precariously
between his cheeks and the aquiline nose trying to silence the scores of excuses
hovering on my near paralyzed tongue. My silence is admittedly inadequate as he
stares at me in askance finally ripping me out my reveries with a precision difficult to match.
the strong ticking of the small clock on the glass table reminding me of the
passage of time my thoughts are interrupted yet again by the interrogative
tone booming from Present questioning my prized guests about the very nature of their
visit. Clearly voicing his unhappiness about their intrusion while accusing them
of stalling the eventful flow of work in strong words ,I watch horrified as the
two gentlemen enter an ugly spat of words. With Nostalgia beating a hasty
retreat eagerly accompanied by Eloquence Articulation Patience, its a desperate situation as Past fights a lonely battle to fend off the aggressive deliberations of the accuser. The rising crescendo slowly making it more evident about the entry of Anger Dissent Hurt Disbelief and Hate I hear the feeble excuses given by Past as to its incapability to change anything with Present noting this with smug delight. It`s not long that I fall prey to the evil machinations
of Present as I forcibly shake myself back to routine.
As I
complete an assignment heaving a sigh of relief which is compounded as I see the
sudden arrival of Reason as she casts furtive glances to the tense
situation between the sparring rivals. As she peeps out of the tiny nook round
the corner, cloaked in grey, she leaves a strong yet unmistakable fragrance of positivity
in the room. With skillful ease she calms the agitated offenders and soothes their ruffled egos while working steadily on smoothening their deeply creased brows and furrowed foreheads. I watch mesmerized
as she effortless glides across to each, patiently explaining, coaxing .cajoling one at a time finally making the
sparring generals agree for a truce.
welcome the tiny smile flit across the face of Past as it looks across his foe
while the unstopping hands of the clock, witness ensuing the lighthearted chatter
slowly graduate into an acceptance if not a casual friendship between the dissenting
I distinctly feel the easing of the Herculean Grip
of Present on my thoughts relax into a
casual touch. as my feats thank him ,I catch a glimpse of the twinge of regret ,or was it pride on the face of Past as I briskly walk past to face the unknown uncertainties of the Future.
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